D&D Initiative Tracker

Initiative Order

Name Hit Points

Actor Name

Initiative: 20 Hit Points: 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate atque eligendi totam. Vitae, sunt consequuntur! Rem neque cum natus facere architecto? Recusandae eum perferendis nisi ab sapiente rerum at cum.

The following commands are available:
#d# Roll some dice! eg. 2d4, d20
# op # Do some math! eg. 4 * 5, 3 + (d20 / 2), max 7, 2d6
hp±# Change the currently selected character's hit points. eg. hp-4, hp+12
jump Change to the currently selected character's turn. eg. jump
remove Remove the currnetly selected character from the initiative order. eg. remove
next/previous Move to the next/previous character in the initiative order. eg. next, previous
reset Reset the initiative order. eg. reset
reboot Clear the initiative order of all characters. eg. reboot
clear Clear the combat log. eg. clear
undo/redo Undo/redo the last action. eg. undo, redo
help Dispaly this help message. eg. help